Questions and anwsers
Yes, you can find information about refund in "Refund and Return Policy" section.
Of course, we offer customer consultations, call us at +371 or email us at
In some situations, we offer such option. You can call us at +37128550990 and we will discuss options.
We are sorry, but right now we don't offer pre-purchase test, but you wil have 14 days to return the product, if you will have any problems with it.
Our shop offers different ways to get the discount codes. Some products are on sale and they already have discounts, but you can get personal discount by contributing in our shop's activity.
Contact us through "Contact" section or give us a call on +37128550990 or send us an email on
If you have found exactly the same product in different shop, which costs there much less than in our shop, feel free to contact us and discuss possible discounts.